Thursday, February 27, 2014

C4K for February

blog in keyboard letters

For the first week of February, the student's blog that I was assigned to was not able to be viewed. So I decide to comment on Samantha's blog in Mrs. Reuter's class. Samantha wrote a blog post about a cartoon/comic generator. It was well written despite a few grammatical and spelling errors. She told about the problems she had encountered with it and she also described the many things she liked about it. All in all, it was a very interesting and well written post.

In the second week of February, I was assigned to Colin's Blog in Mrs. Caddy's class. Colin wrote his blog post according to a writing prompt that I am guessing his teacher had assigned to him. The title of it was Writing Prompts. His first paragraph was stating what he wanted to be doing in 15 years; he wants to be a fighter pilot. His second paragraph described what he did over winter break. In his third paragraph, he lists a bunch of things he would buy. In his fourth paragraph, he explains what would happen if he was stuck in his favorite department store. In his final paragraph, he tells what his favorite type of weather is. Colin has a very nice writing style, very clear and concise. There were just a few capitalization and punctuation errors. Other than that, it was a great and interesting post to read.

In the third week of February, I was assigned to the same student I was assigned to in the first week and I was still unable to access her blog. So I had to choose another student's blog to comment on. I commented on Harley H. in Mrs. Gelde's class. Her post was about her birthstone because they had learned about birthstones in science that week and she also provided a picture of it. Her birthday is in April and her birthstone is a diamond. She also prompts her readers to share what their birthstones are and what month their birthdays are in. Although it was a short post, she had great writing style and did a good job of getting her readers to interact and comment.

In the final week of February, I was assigned to BC Pitcher in Mrs. Miller's class. I was a little confused with the two most recent posts, the formatting was different than what I have seen before and there were very few words. I didn't quite understand what was being discussed or told so I wasn't able to comment on either of those. However, I did find a post from January that I was able to comment on. It was not in typical blog post fashion, but I was still able to understand it. It was titled 50 Things About Myself. It was a collage picture with a bunch of words that described him. Words such as: Baseball, Hunting, Alabama, Football, School, Swimming, and many others. I thought it was a very unique and interesting way to describe himself. It caught my attention and I even learned a few things about him. That is a major part of blogging, capturing and keeping your reader's attention; and he did a very great job of that.

students blogging

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