Thursday, April 24, 2014

C4K for April

Just for kids blog

For the first week of April, I was assigned to Zion in Mrs. Lagitupu's class. His blog post was a creepy story about a boy that dies in his house and haunts it. Then a man walks by and he gets possessed by demons and goes insane. It was an interesting story to say the least. It was apretty creepy story, especially for a 7 year old; but it did contain a lot of details which was good coming from a student of his age. His writing style was very great, even if the story was a little bit creepy.

On the second week of April, I commented on Paris's blog. This post was about a pikopiko fern, it can be eaten either raw or cooked. They have been reading about these plants in class. Paris also included a picture of a drawing of the plant in the post.

For the third week of April, I commented on Simon's Blog. He posted a chart about chromebook. In one column he would ask questions and then he would proceed to answer them in the second column. He said that he enjoyed using chromebook and it helped him learn. His areas that he needed help in were math, spelling, and reading. He also enjoyed doing math games and activities on math whizz. His biggest struggle was that the wireless kept going out. Chromebook seems like a very interesting learning tool.

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