Saturday, March 15, 2014


Self awareness

In Angela Maiers' blog post, Self-Awareness: What Makes You…YOU?, she discusses self-awareness and how it can affect our growth in knowledge about ourselves. We must first fully get to know ourselves (our limits, traits, interests, strengths and weaknesses) before we can make life decisions. She provides a series of questions that you can ask yourself to become more aware of these things. Also, this little survey is good to give your students to make them more aware and become independent and thoughtful learners. I really enjoyed her blog post and I found it very interesting. I intend to keep her ideas in mind to improve myself and my students as successful learners.

In Maiers' blog post, Persevere for Learning Power!, she talks about how Dr. Seuss was a struggling writer at first. He had trouble getting his work published, but he persevered and never gave up. "Perseverance is the cornerstone of any successful endeavor, but it develops over time and with practice." Maiers presents a list of reflections to give to your students to help them realize how to persevere. I found this post very inspiring to me. Perseverance is key in learning. As a student, it helped me throughout school to become a better learner and to succeed. As a teacher, it is important to ensure that students understand how to persevere and how it can greatly affect their lives.

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