Saturday, March 15, 2014

Project #13- Project Based Learning Lesson Plan 1

Project Based Learning Lesson Plan

Grade Level: First Grade
Subject: Social Studies
Title of Project: Caution! Dangerous Situations Ahead!
ACCRS Standard: CCSS RI.1.6 - distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in an informational text.
Project Idea: Students will interview community helpers, do online research with a fifth grade buddy, read and view various other forms of media to complete an investigation of appropriate safe behaviors to exhibit, rules to follow and safety helper to contact when in dangerous situations. Findings will be shared with kindergarten and preschool students as our “experts” endeavor to keep others safe.
Performance Objectives:
-Behavior to exhibit in dangerous situations (e.g., fire, poison, traffic, strangers, drugs)
-Rules to follow in dangerous situations
-Person to contact in dangerous situations
-Information can be gathered from more than one source
-Create text
-Insert graphics
-Save, open, and close a file
-Clean up work area
-Demonstrate appropriate behaviors in dangerous situations
-Information and Communication Skills
-Thinking and Reasoning Skills
-Personal and Workplace Skills
Driving Question: How can we stay safe in “potentially” dangerous situations?

Day One:
-Set up the classroom with safety items/decorations
-Ask students what they think these items have in common
-Brainstorm a list of possible situations and what behaviors we should exhibit
-Give the students the opportunity to choose the situation they would like to research
-Explain to students that they will have the opportunity to interview community helper experts and that they will need to conduct online research for their chosen topic
-Arrange for the students to interview their fifth grade buddies to practice interviewing an individual (review internet safety with both first and fifth graders)
Day Two-Four:
-Students will watch/listen to presentations done by safety helpers
-Students should complete an entry in their daily reflection log each day
-Students will work with their fifth grade buddy to research the predetermined websites
Day Five-Eight:
-Using the information gathered during safety presentations, interviews and websites students will create a page or section of the class book listing safe behaviors, rules to follow and whom to contact in dangerous situations.
-In their small group, students will write a script for a skit for a “potentially dangerous” situation and what safe behaviors should be exhibited, what rules should be followed and who should be contacted
-Students will also decide who is responsible for making or bringing any props needed for their skit
Day Ten:
-Practice role-plays.
-Videotape role-plays create a movie.
-Preview movie.
Day Eleven:
-Present movie to Kindergarten and Preschool

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